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Author's Description

"You and your group waits in a bunker on the reinforcements. youre laying at the sniper post and looks out on the dead raw terrain of ekeptia. the reinforcements are almost arrived but then you see a group of Japanese taking sight on you and begin to shoot!!! you just reach to throw yourself back into the bunker. you feel alot of pain in the left shoulder and you look on the hole going into the bones and the blood streams out!! you jump back and grab a bandage wich you use to bind in your arm. you gently crawl back to the sniper spot and throws a grenade out of the bunker and just down to the trench and the japanese. you hear a big explosion and loud screams. then you look out of the window and through the smoke an armored tank rolls out and takes aim on the bunker!! and WWIII begun" tw_Breakdown is a pretty small instant battle trenchwar map for fast and rapid players. the terrain and layout is made with the dead and raw theme wich i really like:) the middle bunker is the head point:) grab it and you have an awesome weapon. the map is made smaller than others because of the underground way wich gives you opportunities:) the map is not waypointed yet so if anybody would do that for me i would be very happy and make sure to put your name into the map description this is my first trenchwar map so please comment and critic and tell me wich things i should edit



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Last: 01/02/2021 @ 05:37 AM

jrgp says: Whoa it's Doc776! Good to see you!

Doc says: *from the grave* /poke

NamelessWolf says: In perspective the map wasn't good at all, but I made something. Haha :)

jrgp says: Nice to see you Ivel :) I'm committed to keeping this site up forever. Also really cool map Wolf ;D

NamelessWolf says: Check out the map I just uploaded! https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?map=1884

NamelessWolf says: lvel said it right. I also love that this site is up and running.

Ivel says: i love that this still exists.

Ivel says: yoooo

The_Ghost says: 2020 :P

darDar says: TMS > Steam Workshop :P


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