Author's Description
Hey, this is one of my personal favorite maps ive made, it was designed to be like an infiltration of both teams, playing both rolls, also, the team bases were designed to slow down the attacker, and give an advantage to the defender. Ive been working on this one for a while and would REALLY like your guy's feedback, so comment and rate please!!!! and ps, the overview makes it look really weird and bad so click on the over view and see it big and non distorted.
- Date uploaded: 04/08/10 @ 09:22 PM
- Date revised: never
- Gametype: CTF
- Waypoints: No
- Average Rating: not yet rated
- Overview Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?overview=1410
- Download Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?download=1410
- Total downloads: 39
- This week: 0
- Overview hits: 92
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