Author's Description
The climb, people have been givin a climbing contest to be the 1st up the mountain, the winner will win 2 million dollars and be awarded the best climber, you will have to start out paracheuting down and get yourself up the mountain, once youve passed the tunnel (2nd screenshot) your on ur 2nd part, up till you make the jump to the other part of the mountain, you will be on the 3rd part. good luck.
- Date uploaded: 09/20/07 @ 10:52 AM
- Date revised: never
- Gametype: KZ
- Waypoints: No
- Average Rating: 5/5 Stars
- Overview Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?overview=454
- Download Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?download=454
- Total downloads: 246
- This week: 0
- Overview hits: 305
Ratings / Comments (3)
Written by andrelie
hope you got the 2 millon dollars i made it on 5th try or something lol
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