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Written by jrgp on August 27, 2007 @ 12:00 AM


Hello TMS Members. Tonight, our former co-admin, Ivel went berserk and deleted everything he could. I am doing my best now to restore it all from backups, but there is stuff that was lost forever, (the resources, news and certain forum posts / topics). Not all of our maps are lost, but a lot are. If you find that some of your maps are giving 'file not found' errors, all you can do is click the My Maps link at the top right corner of the screen and update them with the original map file and overview, if you still have them. My extreme apologies for this huge inconvenience to us all. Truly yours, jrgp.

Written by jrgp on September 09, 2007 @ 12:00 AM


Hello TMS members and visitors! We now have a relatively new look. I hope making the site look simpler makes using it a lot easier. Hope you all like it. Also, soon we will be replacing the Zitrostats for the TMS Server's stats with a heavily customized version of this. - jrgp

Written by jrgp on March 29, 2008 @ 12:00 AM


Hello TMS members! It's been over 6 months since my last news article. Honestly, I don't have much to say. Every now and then I optimize part of TMS to make it go faster or add a really small barely noticeable new feature but that's it. I am still accepting ideas and suggestions, so if you have some, talk to me.

Written by jrgp on June 27, 2008 @ 07:52 AM


Hey guys, I've finally implemented a prefab uploading feature to the site. I hope it is useful and that you all like it. -jrgp

Written by jrgp on September 10, 2008 @ 12:00 AM


I've just added a few new gametypes, fixed the TMS Soldat server's stats, revised the site's rules, and completely optimized the storage and retrieval of the map overview and screenshot thumbnails.

Written by jrgp on September 24, 2008 @ 12:00 AM


Hey guys! I've just added a 4chan colored site theme and made pages load a bit faster. I'll be adding new features relatively soon and further optimizing the site. Also, check out my latest project! http://youass.net

Written by jrgp on September 30, 2008 @ 12:00 AM


Hey guys! Please join the TMS IRC Channel: #soldat.tms @ Quakenet.org. We need idlers!

Written by Wraithlike on February 11, 2009 @ 02:40 AM


Hi everyone, your friendly local Wraithlike here. Just popping in to say hi, and wish you all a belated happy new years. As far as soldat mapping goes, it's sizing up to be a good year with some fantastic releases by old and new mappers. But you don't need me to tell you that you cheeky bastards. Make the decision yourselves; go download and play all those nice new maps. Thats all for today, but expect frequent updates in the future, and as always: Keep Mapping.

Written by Wraithlike on March 03, 2009 @ 11:23 PM


Hey all, just throwing up a quick update. TMS is looking as good as ever. We're getting more and more maps, and the soldat mapping community as a whole is thriving. Also, 1.5.0 is getting very close to release, and for those who've tried the final public beta, they can see that there are a lot of new maps being added, most were uploaded here first. Congratulations to all those mappers. In other soldat related news, according to his blob, MM is really starting to get some work done on link-dead. Here's hoping all goes well for him.
Thats it for today.

Written by Wraithlike on April 18, 2009 @ 03:22 PM


I have lots of Soldat and Mapping News today. First, if none of you have seen, Soldat 1.5 has finally been released. You can get it [url=http://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=33758.0]HERE![/url] It's got a lot of nice new improvements, and I highly recommend you try it out. It also has a lot of new maps, so congrats to all the mappers who've had their creations made official soldat maps. Also, in Mapping News: SoldatForums and #Soldat.Mapping have put forth a combined effort to start a monthly mapping contest to increase interest in mapping, and in custom map servers. You can check that out [url=http://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=33651.0]HERE![/url] Thats all for now. In the meantime, keep mapping. -Wraithlike


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Last: 01/02/2021 @ 05:37 AM

jrgp says: Whoa it's Doc776! Good to see you!

Doc says: *from the grave* /poke

NamelessWolf says: In perspective the map wasn't good at all, but I made something. Haha :)

jrgp says: Nice to see you Ivel :) I'm committed to keeping this site up forever. Also really cool map Wolf ;D

NamelessWolf says: Check out the map I just uploaded! https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?map=1884

NamelessWolf says: lvel said it right. I also love that this site is up and running.

Ivel says: i love that this still exists.

Ivel says: yoooo

The_Ghost says: 2020 :P

darDar says: TMS > Steam Workshop :P


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