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Author's Description

And here is second map with Super Frog's graphics. This time it's fourth world Pyramid. This map is made with different technique than my previous map. Now map is based only on sceneries... let's make it clear. It's actually one big scenery prepared in Paint Shop Pro 7 before. Layout designed in rpg maker(easy editing). The only job for PolyWorks was to put invisible polygons as floors, and to put few sceneries. What I know, some older graphic cards doesn't support such a big size sceneries. For me works just perfect. Here we have some funny monsters, but relax, they don't bite xd. Just for putting some life into the map. layout as You can see is nothing special. This time bots are more though. Because of those trampolines, sometimes gostek is kicked outside the map, so i did deadly poligons outside too. No need to do /kill. Graphics: TEAM17 ENJOY!



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Ratings / Comments (1)

Written by tunk on April 15, 2009 @ 07:40 AM

5/5 stars

map Looks really nice...
Nice idea1!

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Last: 01/02/2021 @ 05:37 AM

jrgp says: Whoa it's Doc776! Good to see you!

Doc says: *from the grave* /poke

NamelessWolf says: In perspective the map wasn't good at all, but I made something. Haha :)

jrgp says: Nice to see you Ivel :) I'm committed to keeping this site up forever. Also really cool map Wolf ;D

NamelessWolf says: Check out the map I just uploaded! https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?map=1884

NamelessWolf says: lvel said it right. I also love that this site is up and running.

Ivel says: i love that this still exists.

Ivel says: yoooo

The_Ghost says: 2020 :P

darDar says: TMS > Steam Workshop :P


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