Author's Description
"Your head is banging. Your muscles is sore. For several hours have you been wandering around in the swamp hunting thoose japanese. Your outfit is all wet and muddy and tears down on your body. Then suddenly you get lost in the fog and cant find the others.... Just when youre going to shout on your group a flock of birds screethces and alot of gunshots!!. Then you begin to rush toward the noise but slips on the smooth grass and wreck your foot. With your last powers you get's yourself up and continues. the noice is not far. closer closer closer GRENAAAADE!!!! You jump to the side in a desperate try to get away and in pure luck you reach behind a treestump when the grenade explodes. You are thrown meters through the air and lands on a plot of swamp infected earth. Your ears is banging and your eyes are fading!!!" This is my newest map myself i think that this is my best.... ive sticked to the classic sceneries and avoided to use any Veg's ive tried to hit the swampy theme as much as possible and i did it good if you ask me Jet fuel is set to Normal the map is tested and balanced as much as possible so now please comment and critic
- Date uploaded: 02/28/09 @ 03:26 PM
- Date revised: never
- Gametype: CTF
- Waypoints: No
- Average Rating: 4/5 Stars
- Overview Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?overview=1085
- Download Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?download=1085
- Total downloads: 76
- This week: 1
- Overview hits: 201
Ratings / Comments (1)
Written by shades on March 11, 2009 @ 06:43 PM
good work, i like bigger maps than this one, looks like a show map
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