Author's Description
Made by As de Espada and erMel, but ermel only helped me with ideas when I was stuck ; Players: 6-10 ; This map was made for the 2nd TMS contest, whose theme is defaultlish. As you can see, I tried to make this looks like the old soldat maps. The overlaping and the poor scenery usage are intentional. The gameplay is wonderfull, but the bots aren't, sorry =/. Our tree is there, as always ;)
- Date uploaded: 10/27/07 @ 03:45 PM
- Date revised: never
- Gametype: CTF
- Waypoints: Yes
- Average Rating: 4/5 Stars
- Overview Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?overview=505
- Download Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?download=505
- Total downloads: 358
- This week: 2
- Overview hits: 528
Ratings / Comments (1)
Written by ~Niko~
Looks completely default, but if you want it look really defaultish resize some sceneries a bit, don't do two same sceneries. Even if they look weird....
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