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ctf_DropZone Re-


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Author's Description

long time since i made a map again, ripped off DropDown 2 made a secret passage a bit more expanded but a bit smaller, secret passage leads to the flag of the enemy use it wisely, sorry the pic is small that was only the middle of the map D:



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Ratings / Comments (2)

Written by As de Espada on December 09, 2008 @ 11:52 AM

2/5 stars
As de Espada

you used too big polys, too much straight lines. some grass could be middle, instead of back, and the polys that are DC should have some opacity, you can't see what's happening. The colorising is awfull... I'm afraid that the hidden passage is kinda thin. bad for gameplay

Written by GoSKILLER on December 10, 2008 @ 09:24 PM


its not that thin if you know how to use your jets, but yeah i guess i do need alot more training with it :x

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Last: 01/02/2021 @ 05:37 AM

jrgp says: Whoa it's Doc776! Good to see you!

Doc says: *from the grave* /poke

NamelessWolf says: In perspective the map wasn't good at all, but I made something. Haha :)

jrgp says: Nice to see you Ivel :) I'm committed to keeping this site up forever. Also really cool map Wolf ;D

NamelessWolf says: Check out the map I just uploaded! https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?map=1884

NamelessWolf says: lvel said it right. I also love that this site is up and running.

Ivel says: i love that this still exists.

Ivel says: yoooo

The_Ghost says: 2020 :P

darDar says: TMS > Steam Workshop :P


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