Author's Description
Hello my beautiful little map slaves. This sexy little thing should string you all out nicely and leave you begging for more. I suppose I'll enter it in that fine little contest over at elitectf, although I feel simply terrible for giving any other contestants some competition. This is my last map for awhile, because I'm planning on my next (few) to be dark and moody, and I need some time to get in the mood. I'm also working on an absolutele delictable new mod that should leave you all in need of fresh panties. What else? Oh, yes, it's waypointed. And credit to Mr. Niggolo for the backdrops and they're inspired by the always lovely Flesh.
- Date uploaded: 01/22/08 @ 12:09 AM
- Date revised: never
- Gametype: CTF
- Waypoints: No
- Average Rating: 5/5 Stars
- Overview Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?overview=603
- Download Link: https://tms.jrgp.org/2010/?download=603
- Total downloads: 262
- This week: 0
- Overview hits: 605
Ratings / Comments (2)
Written by As de Espada on January 22, 2008 @ 11:09 PM
man, that's fantastic! The gameplay respawning upward and flags middle is very chalenging. The only problem is that it could be eazily done only with default scenerys Ps.: the upper right outside of the map has some missing vertices's joins
Written by jrgp on January 23, 2008 @ 12:24 AM
Looks great, fun. I like the scenery usage. Texture looks a little bland, but that doesn't matter. I like where you placed the flags. Nice job!
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